Our membership is tiered over three levels. Industry membership is open to all entities that have, are, or operate an IPP in PNG and have a Power Purchasing Agreement (PPA). Associate membership is available to Government, State-Owned Enterprises, international organisations, potential IPP operators, and other relevant non-IPP organisations. Expert membership is available to energy industry, policy, legal, and otherwise relevant experts to advise the IP3 Industry Group. Applications can be submitted here.
Industry Members
58MW gas-fired power
The gas-fired Port Moresby Power Station
NiuPower is an independent power producer owned jointly by Kumul Petroleum and Oil Search and focused on the development of power generation facilities in PNG fuelled by PNG produced natural gas. NiuPower recently completed the Port Moresby Power Station (POMPS) as their foundation investment.
The POMPS is a nation-building infrastructure project. It uses natural gas supplied by the PNG LNG project to feed six high efficiency Reciprocating Gas engine generators. It commenced commercial operations in November 2019 and can provide up to 58MW of baseload power to the Port Moresby power grid through a new 66kV power line developed by PNG Power. Having the POMPS fully operational has allowed PNG Power to retire expensive and inefficient liquid fuelled generation with a reported cost saving of PGK100 million per year and materially reduced environmental impacts.
Dirio Gas & Power is MRDC’s latest investment project in the power generation business. The Dirio Gas-based 45MW power plant is 100 per cent owned by Papua New Guineans (landowners and provincial governments) from SHP, Hela, Gulf, Western and Central Provinces. Dirio power plant is West of Port Moresby, close to PNG LNG Project plant facility at Caution Bay. It is an investment which offers sustained income to the shareholders outside of the oil and gas royalties and provides project security to PNG LNG Project. Dirio aims to deliver cheaper power, making electricity more affordable.
The operates three 15 MW Titan Solar turbines, producing a total energy capacity of 45 MW. The produced electric energy is fed into PNG Power Ltd (PPL) Port Moresby Grid.
14.9MW Hydro power
3.5MW Lower Baiune power station and substation
PNG Forest Products
PNG Forest Products operates three hydro power stations with a combined installed capacity of 14.9MW at Baiune. Firstly a 2.4MW hydro power station was built at Pine Tops and commissioned in 1932, and then the present 3.5MW Lower Baiune and 2.0MW Upper Baiune hydro power stations were built in the mid 1930’s. The Pine Tops station was not rebuilt after WWII. In 2012 PNGFP completed the construction of a new 9.4MW power station at Upper Baiune. This was a major undertaking for the Company and is the first such project in PNG whereby a hydro power station has been built by a private organisation as a commercial venture for the sole purpose of supplying power to PNG Power. PNGFP commissioned their fourth power station at the Baime River in Bulolo in 2022. This facility has an installed capacity of 12.4 MW.
56MW Edevu Hydro Power Project in Central Province
The Edevu Hydro Power Project is operated by PNG Hydro Development Ltd (PNGHDL) in Central Province. The Edevu Project was initiated in 2009 and generates 56 MW power to boost electricity to all of Central province, parts of Gulf province, and Port Moresby. It benefits residents with power but will also is an alternative source of water. The Edevu Project cost a total of K640million and is anticipated and was completed in 2022.
30MW internal combustion power
30MW internal combustion electric power plant in Lae
GNCENERGY Power Png Ltd supplies 26MW internal combustion electric power to meet the power grid demand through a plant situated in Kanudi, Port Moresby. Upon serving a 15-year contract from 1999 to 2014, it accomplished to secure the basis for stable power production for additional 5 years through successful rehabilitation, operation, maintenance and management by life extension and efficiency enhancement of the power plant. GNCENERGY Power Png Ltd turned-over the plant to PNG Power at nil value when the contract expired on 31 December 2019. GNCENERGY Power Png Ltd also signed another power purchase agreement to establish and operate a 30MW internal combustion electric power plant in Lae, the country's second largest city, which started commercial operation in June 2018, solidifying its position as a independent power producer in Papua New Guinea.